Who Are We

Who Are We

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

We make mistakes
We rise again
We choose the road we shouldn’t take

We bend the rules
We cross the line
It’s just enough to feel alive

But it makes us who we are

Every battle, every scar
We are warriors
Hear us shouting from our hearts
This is who we are

We will travel near and far
For the thousand wars
Hear us screaming from our hearts
This is who we are
This is who we are

We play with fire
We laugh and cry
We taste the dark to see the light

We’re wild and free
Without a clue
We put our trust in someone new

But it makes us who we are

Every battle, every scar
We are warriors
Hear us shouting from our hearts
This is who we are

We will travel near and far
For the thousand wars
Hear us screaming from our hearts
This is who we are
This is who we are

Every battle, every scar
We are warriors
Hear us shouting from our hearts
This is who we are

We will travel near and far
For the thousand wars
Hear us screaming from our hearts
This is who we are
This is who we are

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Who Are We

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