We Together

We Together

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

If I were to convey my feelings
just with words
I think it would disperse from the wind
In front of the word “Goodbye”
my heart feels uneasy
And so,

to the front of the door of the wide and endless world
You have brought me there preciously
Your my angel

In your two hands
I want to fill it up
with my courage

So the repeating days can become
a precious “today” to me
Though we don’t know what’s to come tomorrow
For me to show you more of how I am
Please take care of me from now on
Please take care of me from now on
Please take care of me from now on
For me to show you more of how I am
Please take care of me from now on

The doodles I’ve drawn on my heart
These insignificant scribbles
When you look at them, it becomes a dream
You walked a step behind me
You didn’t leave
my backside lonely

Even if I fall and run out of breath walking
If all this can become your happiness then

In your two hands
I want to fill it up
with my courage

So the repeating days can become
a precious “today” to me
Though we don’t know what’s to come tomorrow
For me to show you more of how I am
Please take care of me from now on
Please take care of me from now on
Please take care of me from now on
For me to show you more of how I am
Please take care of me from now on

If you’re sad
Then we can look at each other oh yeah
Comfort each other and hug each other
Please protect the special heart

Our worlds is getting bigger day by day
I get surprised too and my eyes widen (to me)
Though we don’t know what’s to come tomorrow
For me to show you more of how I am
Please take care of me from now o
Please take care of me from now on
Please take care of me from now on
For me to show you more of how I am
Please take care of me from now on
Please take care of me from now on
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We Together

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