The Ringer

The Ringer

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

[Intro: Eminem]
I'm just gonna write down my first thoughts and see where this takes me. Cause I just feel like I wanna punch the world in the fuckin' face right now

[Verse 1: Eminem]
Let me explain just how to make greatness
Straight out the gate, I'm 'bout to break you down
Ain't no mistakes allowed, but make no mistake I'm 'bout
To rape the alphabet, I may raise some brows
If I press the issue just to get the anger out
Full magazine could take staples out
Savage but ain't thinking 'bout no bank account
But bitch I'm off the chain like [?Kate --brown?]
Motherfucker shut the fuck up when I'm talkin' lil' bitch
I'm sorry, wait, what's your talent? Oh, critiquin'
My talent? Oh, I don't know who the fuck y'all are
To give a sub-par bar
Even have an opinion if you, you mention me
Millions of views attention the news
I mention you, lose lose for me, win win for you
Billions of views, your ten cents a too
Skim through the music
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The Ringer

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