Swagger Jagger

Swagger Jagger

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

Swagger jagger, swagger jagger
You should get some of your own
Count that money, get your game on
Get your game up, get your, get your, game on

You can't stop looking at me, staring at me, be what I be
You can't stop looking at me, so get off of my face
You can't stop clicking at me, writing 'bout me, tweeting 'bout me,
I can't stop, it's what it gon' be, my swagger's in check

Get on the floor, get, get, get on the floor
My swagger's in check
Get on the floor, get, get, get on the floor
I got it in check

Swagger jagger, swagger jagger
You should get some of your own
Count that money, get your game on
If you're a hater, just let it go

Swagger jagger, swagger jagger
You should get some of your own
Count that money, get your game on
Get your game on, get your game on

You can't stop shouting at me, holler at me, be what I be
You can't stop looking at me, so get off of my way,
You can't stop youtubing me, on repeat, runnin' this beat
You can't stop, this one is on me, I'm laughing all the way

Get on the floor, get, get, get on the floor
Get, get, get on the floor
Get, get, get on the floor
I got it in check

Swagger jagger, swagger jagger
You should get some of your own
Count that money, get your game on
If you're a hater, just let it go

Swagger jagger, swagger jagger
You should get some of your own
Count that money, get your game on
Get your game on, get your game on

Hi hater, kiss kiss! I'll see you later
Hi hater, it was very, very, very nice to meet you

Get on the floor, get, get, get, get on the floor
Get on the floor, I got it in check
Get on the floor, get on the floor
My swagger's in check
Get on the floor, get on the floor
I got it in check
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Swagger Jagger

Bạn vừa xem lời bài hát Swagger Jagger một sản phẩm của Cher Lloyd trên Lời bài hát TV. Website được thiết kế để bạn có thể dễ dàng nghe online Swagger Jagger, xem lyrics để hát karaoke Swagger Jagger thuận tiện nhất trên điện thoại cũng như trên máy tính.

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