Simple Song

Simple Song

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

Here's a simple song
Won't stop the rain from coming down
Or your heart from breaking
Here's a simple song
It's never gonna turn this day around
Stood the earth from shaking
It's just a simple song
Nothing right or wrong
You can sing along if you want to

[Verse 1]
Well, I know it's not been easy
But easy ain't worth singin' about
Yeah, I know, I know
The time goes slow
But it always running out


[Verse 2]
Well, I know it's far from simple
But simple ain't worth worryin' about
Yeah, I know, I know
It's time to go
I think I keep on finding
Everything seems to be about timing


Whoa-oh-oh, it's just a simple song
Nothing right or wrong
You can sing along if you want to
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Simple Song

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