Shalala Lala

Shalala Lala

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

Shalala Lala

There's a boy in my mind and he knows I'm thinkin' of him
All my way to the day and the night the stars shine above me.
He's been gone for some time but I know I truly love him.
And I'm singing a song, hoping he'll be back when he hears it.


My heart goes shalala lala, shalala in the morning.
Oh oh oh shalala lala, shalala in the sunshine.
Shalala lala, shalala lala in the evening.
Shalala lala shalala lala just for you.

If your love's gone away just like mine you feel like crying.
Sing along maybe once maybe twice, let's try it together.
Some sweet day no one knows he'll return and you'll be happy.
Shout it sweet in a song, listen to your heart it is singin'


M y heart goes shalala lala, shalala in the morning.
Oh oh oh shalala lala, shalala in the sunshine.
Shalala lala, shalala lala in the evening.
Shalala lala shalala lala just for you.

If your love's gone away just like mine you feel like crying.
Sing along maybe once maybe twice, let's try it together.
Some sweet day no one knows he'll return and you'll be happy.
Shout it sweet in a song, listen to your heart it is singin'


M y heart goes shalala lala, shalala in the morning.
Oh oh oh shalala lala, shalala in the sunshine.
Shalala lala, shalala lala in the evening.
Shalala lala shalala lala just for you.
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Shalala Lala

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