Lights Up

Lights Up

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

[Verse 1]
What do you mean?
I'm sorry by the way
Never coming back down
Can't you see?
I could, but wouldn't stay
Wouldn't put it like that
What do you mean?
I'm sorry by the way
I'm never coming around
It'd be so sweet if things just stayed the same

All the lights couldn't put out the dark
Runnin' through my heart
Lights up and they know who you are
Know who you are
Do you know who you are?

Shine, step into the light
Shine, so bright sometimes
Shine, I'm not ever going back
Shine, step into the light
Shine, so bright sometimes
Shine, I'm not ever going back
Shine, step into the light
Shine, so bright sometimes
Shine, I'm not ever (Oh)

[Verse 2]
What do you mean?
I'm sorry by the way
Never going back now
It'd be so sweet if things just stayed the same
La-da-da-da-da (Oh)
La-da-da-da-da (Oh)
La-da-da-da-da (Oh)

All the lights couldn't put out the dark
Runnin' through my heart
Lights up and they know who you are
Know who you are
Do you know who you are?
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Lights Up

Bạn vừa xem lời bài hát Lights Up một sản phẩm của Harry Styles trên Lời bài hát TV. Website được thiết kế để bạn có thể dễ dàng nghe online Lights Up, xem lyrics để hát karaoke Lights Up thuận tiện nhất trên điện thoại cũng như trên máy tính.

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