It Feels

It Feels

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

World moves quickly
When you're with me
Hearts get lost in
What we started

Nothing's gonna change the way that it feels 'cause I'm falling in love again
Nothing's gonna change the way that it feels
Said nothing's gonna change the way that it feels 'cause I'm falling in love again
Nothing's gonna change the way that it feels

Stars come closer
Each day closer
Winter leaves us
Spring time greets us

Nothing's gonna change the way that it feels 'cause I'm falling in love again
Nothing's gonna change the way that it feels
Said nothing's gonna change the way that it feels 'cause I'm falling in love again
Nothing's gonna change the way that it feels

'Cause it feels good, it feels good

So tell me if it's real, if it's real, where do we go
So tell me if it's real, if it's real, where do we go
('Cause it feels good)
'Cause nothing [?] when I'm with you
So tell me if it's real, if it's real, if it's real
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It Feels

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