If I Lose Myself

If I Lose Myself

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

I stared up at the sun
Thought of all the people, places and things I’ve loved
I stared up just to see
Of all the faces,
you were the one next to me

You can feel the light start to tremble
Washing what you know out to sea
You can see your life out of the window, tonight

If I lose myself tonight
It’ll be by your side
If I lose myself tonight
woooh, woooh, woooh!

If I lose myself tonight
It’ll be you and I
Lose myself tonight

* Instrumental*

I woke up with the sun
Thought of all the people, places and things I’ve loved
I woke up just to see
With all the faces
You were the one next to me

You can feel the light start to tremble
Washing what you know out to sea
You can see your life out of the window, tonight

If I lose myself tonight
It’ll be by your side
If I lose myself tonight
woooh, woooh, woooh!

If I lose myself tonight
It’ll be you and I
Lose myself tonight

* Instrumental*

Take us down and we keep trying
40 000 feet keep flying
Take us down and we keep trying
40 000 feet keep flying
Take us down and we keep trying
40 000 feet keep flying
Take us down and we keep trying
40 000 feet keep flying
Take us down and we keep trying
40 000 feet keep flying

Lose myself
If I lose myself tonight
wh ooooooo
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If I Lose Myself

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