Go Back In Time

Go Back In Time

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

[Verse 1]
You make me feeling someone new
Climbing up to see the view
I can't find another you
You, grab my mind to find 'round you
I was save for something new
I can't find another you

I'll let you change my mind
Let's go back in time
I'll let you change my mind
Let's go back in time
Let's go back in time
Let's go back in time

[Verse 2]
You, ain't not done with barely new
There's was nothing we could do
I can't find another you
You, you could love without excuse
I was hiding from the truth
I can't find another you

I'll let you change my mind
Let's go back in time
I'll let you change my mind
Let's go back in time
Let's go back in time
Let's go back in time
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Go Back In Time

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