Ferguson Road

Ferguson Road

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

I'm gonna head on up to the old Ferguson Road
Stand beneath the trees and see how tall I am
Yes, I'm gonna wade in a cold, rocky stream
So I will be sure not to give a damn

No one ever loses anybody
But sometimes it's so hard to get along
I don't want to hang on to anybody
So before you say you're leaving, I'll be gone

I'm gonna head on up to old Ferguson Road
Find myself a spot where the sun shines through
I'll throw some old mattress in the back of my bus
And get a good head start on forgetting you

You know I've never known anybody
Who could ever make me feel this way
But no one gets to own anybody
You see, I have good reason when I say

I'm gonna head on up to the old Ferguson Road
Stand beneath the trees and see how tall I am
Yes, I'm gonna wade in a cold, rocky stream
So I will be sure not to give a damn
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Ferguson Road

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