Everytime It Rains

Everytime It Rains

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

I see dark clouds out my window
I know the storm is coming any minute
And the thunder just confirms my fears
And I know the tears are in there
I'll be crying unable to stop
Look here comes the very first drop

'Cause every time it rains
I fall to pieces
So many memories the rain releases
I feel you... I taste you
I cannot forget
Every time it rains... I get wet

Darling I am still in love with you
As time passes by it just intensifies
I know I'll never be with you again
I'll never find another with that kindness in his eyes
I'll be trying unable to stop
Look here comes the very first drop

'Cause every time it rains
I fall to pieces
So many memories the rain releases
I feel you... I taste you
I cannot forget
Every time it rains... I get wet

On sunny days I'm all right
I walk in the light
And i try not to think about
The love I live without

But every time it rains
I fall to pieces
So many memories the rain releases
I feel you... I taste you
I cannot forget
Every time it rains... I get wet
'Cause every time it rains
I fall to pieces
So many memories the rain releases
I feel you... I taste you
I cannot forget
Every time it rains... I get wet
'Cause every time it rains
I fall to pieces
So many memories the rain releases
I feel you... I taste you
I cannot forget
Every time it rains... I get wet
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Everytime It Rains

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