Everyone Is Gay

Everyone Is Gay

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

If you're gay then you're gay
Don't pretend that you're straight
You can be who you are any day of the week
You are unlike the others
So strong and unique
We're all with you

If you're straight well that's great
You can help procreate
And make gay little babies
For the whole human race
Make a world we can live in
Where the one who you love's not an issue

'Cause we're all somewhere in the middle
And we're all just looking for love to change the world
What if the world stops spinning tomorrow?
We can't keep running away from who we are

If you're gay then you're gay
If you're straight well that's great
If you fall in between that's the best way to be
You've got so many options
Every fish in the sea wants to kiss you


'Cause we're all somewhere in the middle
And we're all just looking for love to change the world
What if the world stops spinning tomorrow?
We can't keep running away from who we are

And we're all here in it together
We're one step closer to breaking down the walls
Everyone is gay
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Everyone Is Gay

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