

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

Did you forget that I've got a thing called emotion?
You live and you let 'til you start to bleed
How would I know? 'Cause you left my wound wide open
Just for how long will you let it bleed? Oh

[Verse 1]
The town we are from, the small-minded talk
We'd sing the songs with the lyrics all wrong
Invested in love but now you feel broke
'Cause shit didn't turn out the way that you hoped
I get that you're hurt 'cause we don't spend time
As much as we used to but don't we all learn from mistakes?

Did you forget that I've got a thing called emotion?
You live and you let 'til you start to bleed
How would I know? 'Cause you left my wound wide open
Just for how long will you let it bleed?

Did you know the lies you would feed
In the end I'd start to believe in?
Did you forget I've got a thing called emotion?
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Bạn vừa xem lời bài hát Emotion một sản phẩm của Astrid S trên Lời bài hát TV. Website được thiết kế để bạn có thể dễ dàng nghe online Emotion, xem lyrics để hát karaoke Emotion thuận tiện nhất trên điện thoại cũng như trên máy tính.

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