

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

When this rain falls on my head
I’ll get all wet even my heart
Stay with me I still can’t be
In the rain alone without you
I’m still young, I’m still a bit scared
Though I know it’ll stop soon
I’m looking for you
Will it stop now? These raindrops, these tears?
I don’t want to get wet with rain
And tremble with cold
Some day, the cold rain
Will become warm tears
And fall down, It’s alright
It’s just a passing downpour
It’s just a passing downpour
It’s how I feel
After I met you, I haven’t lost
The happy memories to the rain
When the rain stops
Let’s meet again
We will smile again and be together
Will it stop now? These raindrops, these tears?
I don’t want to get wet with rain
And tremble with cold
Some day, the cold rain
Will become warm tears
And fall down, It’s alright
It’s just a passing downpour
I’m getting all wet right now
I don’t even have the strength to open an umbrella
But we know
Let me just cry for a moment
As I lean on the rain
So you won’t see our sad tears
Now goodbye
Will it stop now? These raindrops, these tears?
I don’t want to get wet with rain
And tremble with cold
Some day, the cold rain
Will become warm tears
And fall down, It’s alright
It’s just a passing downpour
Bạn đánh giá chất lượng bản lyrics này như thế nào?


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