Break A Little

Break A Little

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

Sometimes I gotta learn lessons the hard way
Sometimes I never learn nothing at all
Some people end up immune to the heartbreak
But something about it tears me apart
Cause every time I see your face I break a little
And every single night you stay you take a little
I just can't shake this feeling deep in bones
And though I know I'm better when I'm alone
I call you ( x2)
And I break a little.

Cause every time I see your face I break a little
And every single night you stay you take a little
I just can't shake this feeling deep in bones
And though I know I'm better when I'm alone
I call you ( x2)
And I break a little.

All that we had is laid out on the table
You think that love is a game you can play
I keep on running back just cause I'm able
Imma get over you one of these days

Cause every time I see your face I break a little
And every single night you stay you take a little
I just can't shake this feeling deep in bones
And though I know I'm better when I'm alone
I call you ( x2)
And break a little.

Cause every time I see your face I break a little
And every single night you stay you take a little
I just can't shake this feeling deep in bones
And though I know I'm better when I'm alone
I call you ( x2)
And I break a little.
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Break A Little

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