Better Now

Better Now

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

"Better Now"

If i had one call to make
I would dial yesterday and warn myself
Tell my lips the words to say
Not let you just walk away
With someone else
With someone else

Next time, i wont suffer this kind of pain
Own my mistakes
Not just pass off all the blame
If you were here, we could figure this out
Then i wouldn't be bitter
I'd just be better now.

To be the strong and silent one
A lot of good that has done
Yes, you'd agree
No more tryin' to understand
Or fix these things because you can
Guess it's up to me
Yeah, it's up to me

[Repeat Chorus]

I'd be much better off
Much better off, maybe
If i could just let it go
With no regrets then

Next time, I won't suffer this kind of pain
Own my mistakes
Not just pass off all the blame
You'd still be here,and we'd figure this out
Then i wouldn't be better (I wouldn't be better)
oh, no I wouldn't be bitter
I'd just be better now

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Better Now

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