Alcohol You Later

Alcohol You Later

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

[Verse 1]
Number one on my speed dial
I changed your name so my friends won't find out
But they're all heading home now
And I got word that she's hanging downtown
I know I shouldn't do it
Oh, but these shots I'm shooting
Make me not give a damn

And now it's one more last time
We swore we wouldn't
But it's one more sunrise breaking through these curtains
And I know when we're sober we'll both say, "it's over"
But it ain't really over
'Cause alcohol, alcohol, alcohol you later
Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol you later

[Verse 2]
Two for one's on a Tuesday
Bartender poured 'em too strong 'cause he knows me
Then I take out my phone, find out if she's at home
'Cause I need someone to drink with

And now it's one more last time
We swore we wouldn't
But it's one more sunrise breaking through these curtains
And I know when we're sober we'll both say, "it's over"
But it ain't really over
'Cause alcohol, alcohol, alcohol you later
Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol you later

I know I shouldn't do it
Oh, but these shots I'm shooting
Make me not give a damn

And now it's one more last time
We swore we wouldn't
But it's one more sunrise breaking through these curtains
And I know when we're sober we'll both say, "it's over"
But it ain't really over
'Cause alcohol, alcohol, alcohol you later
Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol you later
'Cause alcohol, alcohol, alcohol you later
Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol you later
'Cause alcohol, alcohol, alcohol you later
Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol you later
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Alcohol You Later

Bạn vừa xem lời bài hát Alcohol You Later một sản phẩm của Mitchell Tenpenny trên Lời bài hát TV. Website được thiết kế để bạn có thể dễ dàng nghe online Alcohol You Later, xem lyrics để hát karaoke Alcohol You Later thuận tiện nhất trên điện thoại cũng như trên máy tính.

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