Kết quả tìm kiếm
2nd English Song. William Shakespeare: If Music and Sweet Poetry Agree.Emanuele Torrente, Rachael Jane Stellacci
English Songs: MadSong.Emanuele Torrente, Rachael Jane Stellacci
1st English Song. E. A.Poe: A Dream Within a Dream.Emanuele Torrente, Rachael Jane Stellacci
3rd English Song. Ezra Pound: Threnos.Emanuele Torrente, Rachael Jane Stellacci
4th English Song: Dylan Thomas: Clown in the Moon.Emanuele Torrente, Rachael Jane Stellacci
5th English Song. William Blake: Madsong.Emanuele Torrente, Rachael Jane Stellacci
6th English Song. Charles Bukowski: Splash.Emanuele Torrente, Rachael Jane Stellacci
A Dream Within A Dream.Emanuele Torrente, Rachael Jane Stellacci
Clown in the MoonEmanuele Torrente, Rachael Jane Stellacci
SplashEmanuele Torrente, Rachael Jane Stellacci
If Music and Sweet Poetry AgreeEmanuele Torrente, Rachael Jane Stellacci
Emanuele Torrente: The Siren SongEmanuele Torrente, Rachael Jane Stellacci
ThrenosEmanuele Torrente, Rachael Jane Stellacci