The Only

The Only

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

I can't be the only one
Who's lonely tonight
I can't be the only one

[Verse 1]
Who's drinking 'bout myself
Wishing that I was somewhere else
Talking to the voices in my head
Because at least they're listening
Right here's an easy place to hide
I stay in bed and shut the blinds
Don't even know where I would go

But I know that there's gotta be somebody out there
There's gotta be somebody somewhere
Who needs company
And it's comforting to know
I can't be the only one
Who's lonely tonight
No, I can't be the only

[Verse 2]
One with nobody to call
This city makes me feel so small
A million people in this town
But I could scream without a sound
So I get high to pass the time
Talk to someone I met online
To make myself feel less alone

'Cause I know that there's gotta be somebody out there
There's gotta be somebody somewhere
Who needs company
And it's comforting to know
I can't be the only one
Who's lonely tonight
No, I can't be the only

No, I can't be the only one
Who's lonely tonight
No, I can't be the only one
Who's lonely
No, I can't be the only
The only
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The Only

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