Nơi Ấy Con Tìm Về

Nơi Ấy Con Tìm Về

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

The day I cry is born
Mother's Day said the joy of heaven
By the love of his father spent
Let the children grow up in their homes each day
The word mother ruined the hammock
Give your child sleep
It is a good day for father
May you be up
Time taken away spring, life
And you take your life, father

My life, will not forget
Love your mother gave me a lifetime
Big love, follow me
Like old ruins for the pain in life
Future lines, many households
And hard times make children fall down
Let me remember that a quiet corner
Always have my mother waiting for me to find ....
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Nơi Ấy Con Tìm Về

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