I'll Wait

I'll Wait

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

I'll never forget the songs we used to play
But when I put 'em on
The feeling never fades out my body
I hope you're thinking of me
There won't be a night, there won't be a place
Where you don't cross my mind
Where I don't see your face in somebody
I hope you're thinking of me
People say we're fools, people say we're dumb
People say we're caught up in temporary love
We don't know what we're doing, they say we're too young
But they don't know a thing about us
I'll wait forever, that's what we said
16th of September lying in my bed
I'll wait forever, it's never too late
Couple thousand miles is just a little space
I'll wait, mmm
I'll wait, mmm
I'll wait, mmm
Couple thousand miles is just a little space
I'll wait
I'll wait
There won't be an end, can't forget the start
When you're far away it's like we're not apart
I'd play my money
Just to hear you say you love me, again
People say we're fools, people say we're dumb
People say we're caught up in temporary love
We don't know what we're doing, they say we're too young
But they don't know a thing about us
I'll wait forever, that's what we said
16th of September lying in my bed
I'll wait forever, it's never too late
Couple thousand miles is just a little space
I'll wait, mmm
I'll wait, mmm
I'll wait, mmm
Couple thousand miles is just a little space
I'll wait
I'll wait, mmm
I'll wait, mmm
I'll wait, mmm
Couple thousand miles is just a little space
I'll wait
Forever, that's what we said
16th of September lying in my bed
I'll wait forever, it's never too late
Couple thousand miles is just a little space
I'll wait
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I'll Wait

Bạn vừa xem lời bài hát I'll Wait một sản phẩm của Kygo, Sasha Sloan trên Lời bài hát TV. Website được thiết kế để bạn có thể dễ dàng nghe online I'll Wait, xem lyrics để hát karaoke I'll Wait thuận tiện nhất trên điện thoại cũng như trên máy tính.

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