Diary Of Love

Diary Of Love

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

How can I explain this feeling growing with each passing day
interrogating me , wonder if she feels the same way
may be we just drops of water in the endless sea
We met we parted

It's all an arrangement destiny has in store for us
May be friends not lovers we'll be
I wonder if this secrect will ever revealed
Writting in our diary of love
You're the only one I dream of
Wondering if your heart will always truly be mine
Writting in our diary of love
wishing on a star that's falling
A falling star that takes me closer to your heart

Chapter two, this is when we fell in love
You held my hand and said you love me till the end of the world
We embraced and we kissed passionately
You promised me you never leave me
No matter what life brings
You'll always be there forever as lovers will be
But then, when I reach for you, you weren't there
Tell me it's not just fantasy

Writting in our diary of love
You're the only one I dream of
Wondering if your heart will always truly be mine
Writting in our diary of love
wishing on a star that's falling
A falling star that takes me closer to your heart...
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Diary Of Love

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