Why Don't You Come

Why Don't You Come

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

Miles on the night streets
The falling leaves are rolling too
Where are you?

Black line on the horizon
In front of the ocean rhythm
Im in silence.

Why don't you come?
Why don't you come?
I'm waiting here
To see you again.

Why don't you come?
Why don't you come?
I'm waiting here
For you.

I see the fading silhouette
Of the craving that I couldn't resist
Now its dying, isn't it?

Inside the flood of truths and lies,
There was a love that I tried to touch
But I guess I haven't done enough.

Why don't you come?
Why don't you come?
I'm waiting here
To see you again.

Why don't you come?
Why don't you come?
I'm waiting here
For you.

And the sky becomes brighter
But I have no desire
To enjoy the shades of fire.

Oh my my
Oh my my
I'm glad that we fought
Cause you said what you thought.
Is she the one who made you blue the one you choose?
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Why Don't You Come

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