False Alarm

False Alarm

Nghe bài hát

Lời bài hát

I heard sirens in my head
From the first time that we met
Thought it was a false alarm
Yeah, we started as a spark
Didn't think we'd come this far
But here we are, oh

I'm dancing in flames
I'm dancing in flames
I ain't scared of the blaze
Don't rescue me
And now I'm burning in your arms
Endless fire in my heart
No, it's not a false alarm
No, it's not a false alarm

But here we are
I'm never get my hopes up
Cause then I'll never get let down
But you were something special
I didn't notice until now

I heard sirens in my head
From the first time that we met
Thought it was a false alarm
Yeah, we started as a spark
Didn't think we'd come this far
But here we are, oh

I'm dancing in flames
I'm dancing in flames
I ain't scared of the blaze
Don't rescue me
And now I'm burning in your arms
Endless fire in my heart
No, it's not a false alarm
No, it's not a false alarm
No, it's not a false alarm
No, no
No, it's not a false alarm
No, no
No, it's not a false alarm

Maybe I'm too careful
Didn't trust the signs
Didn't wanna jump
Too scared of the height

And now I'm burning in your arms
Endless fire in my heart
No, it's not a false alarm
No, it's not a false alarm
Oh, no, it's not a false alarm
No, no
No, it's not a false alarm
No, it's not a false alarm
No, it's not a false alarm
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False Alarm

Bạn vừa xem lời bài hát False Alarm một sản phẩm của Matoma, Becky Hill trên Lời bài hát TV. Website được thiết kế để bạn có thể dễ dàng nghe online False Alarm, xem lyrics để hát karaoke False Alarm thuận tiện nhất trên điện thoại cũng như trên máy tính.

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